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How is the Peace Region Living Lab different than regular research?

July 9, 2024

Perspecitves from Agriculture and Agrifood Canada researchers Jesse MacDonald (Science Coordinator for the Peace Region Living Lab) and Dr Shabtai Bittman (Co-Principal Investigator for the…

The Positive Effect of Agriculture on Greenhouse Gases

July 4, 2024

  For more information on the PRFA sites & how the PRFA is part of the Peace Region Living Lab go to:…/peace-region-living-lab/ For more…

How Agriculture Can Help Sequester Carbon

July 2, 2024

For more information on the PRFA sites & how the PRFA is part of the Peace Region Living Lab go to:…/peace-region-living-lab/ For more information…

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Why is Rotational Grazing Beneficial?

Producer Josh Stobbe shares
why it is beneficial for him to
invest the time to move his
cows more frequently.

PRFA Partner Spotlight

A Spotlight on the PRFA

As a partner in the Peace Region Living Lab project, the PRFA brings 30+ years of existing knowledge and continues to drive agricultural innovation in the Peace River region.

PRFA - What We Do

A quick overview of the Peace River Forage Association and it's current work with the Peace Region Living Lab project.

white sheep near the brown board

Teaching Livestock to Graze Weeds

Click here to check out our four videos on this project! Or check out the R&D page for more details. Thanks to Peace River Regional District & Kari Bondaroff for their partnership.

Forage Selection Helper

Click here to check out a tutorial on how to use the Forage U-Pick tool. This handy helper can provide you a starting point of which forages might be suitable to your area.

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