Peace Region Living Lab
Status: In Progress
Project Timeline: August 2022 – March 2027
PRFA is one of nine partners in this 5-year federally funded project spanning the Alberta and BC Peace entitled “Enhancing agroecosystem services in the Peace Region.”
- Peace River Forage Association (PRFA), Peace Region Forage Seed Association (PRFSA), BC Grain Producers Association (BCGPA), Peace Country Forage and Beef Association (PCBFA), North Peace Applied Research Association (NPARA), SARDA Ag Research, Mackenzie Applied Research Associaition (MARA), Fourth Sister Farm and Peace Region Agriculture Extension Institute.
Living Lab Priorities: Implement Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that (1) sequester carbon (2) reduce greenhouse gas emission, and (3) provide other environmental co-benefits. These BMPs also improve farm productivity, profitability, and environmental resiliency. To learn more about living lab priorites go to….agricultural-climate-solutions-living-labs.
Who does what? Producer partners (core-producers) are involved in the design of these field-scale
experiments and carryout the treatments. PRFA contractors and Agriculture & Agrifood Canada (AAFC) researchers
collect the baseline data for 5 years (soils, plants, yield).
PRFA’s Focus: Demonstrate Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs) that producers have been trying, and
collect scientific data that shows the benefits of those practices. Tame forage rejuvenation, composting and
vermicomposting, extending the grazing season, and regenerative grazing management practices will be looked at.
What is unique about a Living Lab? Living Labs start with Beneficial Management Practices (BMPs)
producers want to evaluate. They test the BMPs at a field scale, allow producers to adapt the practices as they would in
real-life, and focus on sharing results with other producers. Fostering adoption of the Beneficial Management Practices
is the main goal of a Living Lab.
- Living Labs look at the whole farm, and consider land management, economic and social aspects to starting these practices. For more information on the Living Labs approach go to…/about-living-laboratories-initiative.
- AAFC has 14 Living Labs across the country. In 2022 nine new Living Labs were approved and five more in 2023 (two in Quebec, one in Ontario, one in Prince Edward Island, and one in Manitoba).
Peace Region Living Lab: To learn more about the Peace Region Living Lab go to,
- Scroll their facebook page @peacelivinglab, check out this brief highlight video, and watch this overview video.
- To learn about the other PRLL partner groups go to the PRLL YouTube Channel and subscribe to see future videos.
- 2022: Baseline site and environmental co-benefit measurements were taken on all sites.
- 2023: 1 meter soil core samples were taken on all sites (control & treatment areas) by AAFC researchers and a second sample by PRLL contractors. Beneficial Management Practice treatments were implemented by producers. PRFA Summer Tour visited two of the PRLL sites. Soil, plant and yield measurements (aka environmental co-benefits) were completed by PRFA contractors.
- 2024: Feb 21st all core-producers received a year 2 data summary of the environmental co-benefits measurements.
Project Cooperators
- G1
Briar Ridge, BC - G2
Montney, BC - G3
Cecil Lake, BC - G4
Doig River, Peace River, BC - G5
Clayhurst, BC - G6
Bonanza, AB - G7
Goodlow, BC - G8
South Taylor, Taylor, BC - G9
Halfway River, Peace River, BC - G10
Rose Prairie, BC - E1
Rose Prairie, BC - E2
Rose Prairie, BC
Project Contacts
- Nadia Mori
PRFA Coordinator
Funding & Industry Partners
Forage First Articles
- FF89_PRFA Joins Peace Living Lab Proposal_2022Jan_pg11,12
- FF92_Peace Region LivingLab Kick-off_2022Oct_pg13
- FF93_PRLL Core Producer Site Map_2023Jan_pg7
- FF94_Peace Region Living Lab, It's Alive_2023April_pg15,16
- FF95_Summer Tour with PRLL sites_2023June_pg12,13,14
- FF95_PRLL Summer Measurements_2023June_pg7,8
- FF96_PRLL Site Tour with AAFC Researchers_2023Oct_pg3,4,5
- FF_99_Spring Training for Data Collection_2024July_pg5
- FF_99_Summer Tour visits 2 PRLL sites_2024July_pg10,11,12,13
- FF_99_Coordinator's Spring Update_2024July_pg3
- FF_100_Soil Health Caravan visits the Peace_2024Oct_pg19,20
- FF_100_Coordinator's Summer Update_2024Oct_pg5