
The PRFA of BC has formed committees to focus on specific initiatives or projects. They are listed below. In addition, the PRFA of BC has been asked to have representation on groups outside the association.

Advisory Committee

The Advisory Committee acts as resource people and advisors to the Board of Directors with regards to the projects that the association undertakes. Currently this committee includes:

  • Brenna Schilds (BC Ministry of Agriculture)
  • Nadia Mori (BC Ministry of Agriculture)
  • Kari Bondaroff (Peace River Regional District)

Research & Development (R&D) Committee

A strong R&D Committee ever since the formation of the association has been one of the cornerstones of their success. Glenn Hogberg was the Chair for over 20 years. Currently this position is vacant.

Communications Committee

PRFA members sit on a number of committees, both internal and external.The Communications Committee's mandate is to work with advisors & other forage enthusiasts to carry out the necessary forage activities on behalf of the Association and to brainstorm activities to identify worthwhile forage ideas and to follow up by developing the ideas into projects and get the projects going either by the committee or the appropriate people or group.

The communication committee designs the most effective ways of sharing information about what the association is doing. Currently this committee includes:

  • Heather Fossum
  • Shaun Grant
  • Darryl Kroeker
  • Kari Bondaroff
  • Lori Vickers
  • Sandra Burton

Wildlife Committee

The objectives of the Wildlife Committee are to inform the public of continuing involvement of ranchers & farmers in feeding resident wildlife on private land and through out the year clarify who is accountable for wildlife activity on private land. They work to find long term solutions that work for all parties involved and educate the public about the positive relationship that ranchers and farmers have with wildlife and continue towards developing policy to deal with wildlife/agricultural conflicts. For many years Burnem Grant and Rick Kantz attended these meetings on our behalf.

Forage growers are represented on the following committees outside the association:

Alberta Forage Industry Network / Beef Cattle Research Council Advisory Board
Ron Buchanan was asked to sit on this advisory board.

Canadian Forage & Grasslands Association
Julie Robinson represents our interests on this board.

National Farmers Union
Bess Legault was asked to participate.

Canadian Land Reclamation Association
Shellie English represents our interests within this group.

Peace River Site C Agricultural Advisory
Heather Fossum (with alternate Bill Wilson) sit on the Site C Advisory.

Peace River Crop Insurance Advisory
Dale Fredrickson sits on the Crop Insurance Advisory.

Peace River Enfranchisement Program (PREP) 
PREP has representatives from PRFA, BCGPA, BCMAL, MOE, Ducks Unlimited, Peace River Regional Cattlemen's, Go BC, BC Wildlife Federation, Dawson Creek and Fort St John Rod and Gun Clubs.