Predator Mitigation Strategies

Animal Pests and Predator Control – document containing links to websites regarding predator and pest control.

Prevention & Control Handbooks

Manuals created in the mid 1990s for problem wildlife (University of Nebraska – Lincoln)

BC Cattlemen

BCCA 2010 Cattle Loss Survey – results of province wide survey to BCCA members regarding cattle loss incidences.

An Economic Assessment of Wildlife Predation in BC – main report for the BCCA Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project (November 2011).

Best Management Practices for Cattle – compiled by BCCA after the completion of their Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project. Tips on how to minimize predation of cattle.

Best Management Practices for Sheep – compiled by BCCA after the completion of their Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project. Tips on how to minimize predation of sheep.

Target Predator Control – information regarding understanding predator habits, verifying livestock attacks/kills and hunting & trapping regulations.

Livestock Husbandry Practices Relating to Wildlife Predation – compiled by Steve Myers who tackled problem wildlife in the Peace Region for many years.

Provincial Information

Relevant predator information for various provinces throughout Canada.

British Columbia



Research Papers Pertaining to Problem Wildlife

Circumstances Associated with Predation Rates on Sheep and Goats – factors that could result in high and low predation rates.

Coyote Depredation Control – focusses on coyote behaviour, how predation occurs on sheep farms and how this could be controlled.

Coyote Lure Operative Device – effectiveness of lure devices and implications for using these lures to deliver contraceptives or lethal substances.

Effects of Predation on Livestock Foraging Behaviour – discusses the physiological and behavioural effects carnivores have on livestock.

Husbandry Methods and Sheep Losses to Canine Predators – ways management can reduces the incidence of sheep losses to predators.

Predictability of Repeated Carnivore Attacks – In cases where predation has occurred, farms are 55% mare likely to have repeated attacks if deterrents are not put in place.

Seasonality and Reoccurrence of Depredation and Wolf Control – looks at commonalities between livestock patterns and when predation occurs.

Poisoning (only Conservation officers can do this)

1080 Characteristics and Use

1080 Hazards

M-44 – Predator Control – used in the US.

Links Related To Predator Mitigation:

USDA Cattle Predator Loss Statistics

BC Government Resources



Wolves & Coyotes

Project Contacts:

Sandra Burton
250 789 6885

Talon Gauthier
250 219 3944

Julie Robinson
250 262 7576

Funding & Industry Partners:

  • Agriculture Wildlife Fund through Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC & ARDCORP
  • In Kind Contributions from Sandra Burton & Julie Robinson