Predator Mitigation Strategies
Animal Pests and Predator Control – document containing links to websites regarding predator and pest control.
Prevention & Control Handbooks
Manuals created in the mid 1990s for problem wildlife (University of Nebraska – Lincoln)
BC Cattlemen
BCCA 2010 Cattle Loss Survey – results of province wide survey to BCCA members regarding cattle loss incidences.
An Economic Assessment of Wildlife Predation in BC – main report for the BCCA Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project (November 2011).
Best Management Practices for Cattle – compiled by BCCA after the completion of their Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project. Tips on how to minimize predation of cattle.
Best Management Practices for Sheep – compiled by BCCA after the completion of their Wild Predator Loss Prevention Pilot Project. Tips on how to minimize predation of sheep.
Target Predator Control – information regarding understanding predator habits, verifying livestock attacks/kills and hunting & trapping regulations.
Livestock Husbandry Practices Relating to Wildlife Predation – compiled by Steve Myers who tackled problem wildlife in the Peace Region for many years.
Provincial Information
Relevant predator information for various provinces throughout Canada.
British Columbia
- Coyote Predation Control Manual and Study Guide
- Review for Livestock Compensation Programs in SW Alberta
Research Papers Pertaining to Problem Wildlife
Circumstances Associated with Predation Rates on Sheep and Goats – factors that could result in high and low predation rates.
Coyote Depredation Control – focusses on coyote behaviour, how predation occurs on sheep farms and how this could be controlled.
Coyote Lure Operative Device – effectiveness of lure devices and implications for using these lures to deliver contraceptives or lethal substances.
Effects of Predation on Livestock Foraging Behaviour – discusses the physiological and behavioural effects carnivores have on livestock.
Husbandry Methods and Sheep Losses to Canine Predators – ways management can reduces the incidence of sheep losses to predators.
Predictability of Repeated Carnivore Attacks – In cases where predation has occurred, farms are 55% mare likely to have repeated attacks if deterrents are not put in place.
Seasonality and Reoccurrence of Depredation and Wolf Control – looks at commonalities between livestock patterns and when predation occurs.
Poisoning (only Conservation officers can do this)
M-44 – Predator Control – used in the US.
Links Related To Predator Mitigation:
USDA Cattle Predator Loss Statistics
BC Government Resources
Project Contacts:
Sandra Burton
250 789 6885
Talon Gauthier
250 219 3944
Julie Robinson
250 262 7576
Funding & Industry Partners:
- Agriculture Wildlife Fund through Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC & ARDCORP
- In Kind Contributions from Sandra Burton & Julie Robinson