R&D Project:
Forage Nutrient Management for Longevity
Status: Completed
Project Timeline: January 2001 – December 2004
- To assess/survey areas of winter kill, document climate, snow cover factors, soil nutrient status & management factors
- To identify nutrients important for winter hardiness & longevity
- To evaluate nutrient amendments to forage fields at 3-4 locations per year
- To evaluate economic returns of applying nutrients
- Nutrients applied to 3 sites in 2001 & one more site in 2002, two more sites in 2003 & 2 more sites in 2004
- Soil, tissue, yield & feed info collected
- surveyed 20 – 30 fields each spring for alfalfa winterkill in 2001 & 2002
- organized 3 short courses in 2003 on Feeding Strategies for Your Herd
- Sampled numerous fields & feeds
- Compiled 4 season of data into 12 Forage Facts (listed below)
Project Cooperators
- Chuck Sutherland
Groundbirch, BC - Gordon Lazinchuck
Bessborough, BC - Double M Ranch
Bessborough, BC - Brian Clarke
Baldonnel, BC - Paul & Michael Cowger
Montney, BC
Project Contacts
- Sandra Burton
- Brian Clarke
- Chuck Sutherland
- Double M Ranch
- Paul & Michael Cowger
- Gordon Lazinchuk
For more information on older projects, please contact our coordinator.
Funding & Industry Partners
- Norwest Labs
- Soil Conservation Council of Canada
- Beef Cattle Industry Development Fund
- Sulfer Works
- Agricore United
- Agro Source Ltd
- Peace River Agriculture Development Fund (PRAD)
Factsheets & Documents
- #8 Sulphur Fact
- #9 Manure Fact
- #14 Potassium Fact
- #17 Phosphorus
- #28 Learning from Alfalfa Winterkill
- #31 Maintaining Legumes in Pasture
- #32 Forage Nutrient Management
- #33 Cowgers Beef Up Carrying Capacity
- #34 Clarkes Boost Forage Quality
- #35 Double M Ranch
- #36 Did Lazinchuks get more rain?
- #37 Sutherlands Soil