Upcoming Webinar with Anne Wasko: Cattle Market Update – Riding out Uncertainty

Upcoming Webinar with Anne Wasko: Cattle Market Update – Riding out Uncertainty

SAVE THE DATE: April 20th at 7pm.
Anne Wasko has been a market analyst for over 30 years focusing on the Canadian cattle and beef industry. She is currently the market analyst for Gateway Livestock Exchange,  and a regular contributor to RealAgriculture.com and RealAg radio on Sirius.  Anne was also the Senior Market Analyst for Canfax for 21 years.
Please register at peaceforage.bc.ca/event/cattle-market-update-webinar/.
FREE for members of the SP Stockmens & PRFA of BC and $20 for non-members.

A HUGE thank you to our webinar sponsor.
Farm Credit Canada