Ungulate Mitigation Strategies

Prevention & Control Handbooks

Created by University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Frightening Devices & Repellants

Efficacy of Animal Activated Frightening Devices – research paper discussing how ineffective frightening devices are in the long run on elk and deer.

Evaluating Electronic Frightening Devices on Deer – paper discussing eventual habituation to frightening devices over time. A good short term mitigation strategy.

Testing Potential Ungulate Repellents – research evaluating different repellent strategies to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions.

Ungulate Foraging & Migratory Behaviour

Behavioural Approaches for Limiting Depredation by Wild Ungulates – strategies to reduce damage to agricultural resources like standing crops or stored feed.

Elk Forage Utilization on Seasonal Ranges – short description of what elk are eating and how much that overlaps with cattle.

Elk Migratory Behaviour – research paper describing effects of predators and other factors on elk migration behaviour.

Elk Versus Livestock Forage Utilization – preliminary results of a study monitoring interactions of wildlife and livestock on rangelands.

Perceptions of Utah Alfalfa Growers About Wildlife Damage to Their Hay Crops – discussion of importance of producer perceptions and implementation of compensation programs.

Summer Forage and Feeding Site Selection by Elk – study to understand behaviour of elk in regards to forage utilization.

Effect of Cattle Grazing on Native Ungulates – article by the Society of Range Management showing the positive and negative impacts of cattle grazing on wildlife.

Wild Ungulate Depredation on Winter Wheat: Effects on Grain Yield – shows that ungulate utilization of this crop did not significantly affect its yield.

Birth Control (Not available in Canada)

GonaCon – Birth Control for Deer – An option developed for deer control in the states.

GonaCon Q & A

Review of Issues Concerning the Use of Reproductive Inhibitors, with Particular Emphasis on Resolving Human-Wildlife Conflicts in North America – looks at the use of reproductive inhibitors that are currently in use/under development in the US.

US Wildlife Contraceptives – summary of the different contraceptive options used on wildlife in the US.

Provincial Enfranchisement Program (Not in Operation)

Landowner Enfranchisement to Promote Habitat Stewardship and Access Agreements on Private Land in BC – draft report determining the eligibility of creating such a program in BC.

The Provincial Enfranchisement Project and its Associated Pilot Projects – meant to promote stewardship on private lands.

Kootenay Mitigation Strategies

Cranbrook Crop Damage – damage incurred by ungulates to forage stands.

Deer, Elk and Cattle in the East Kootenay’s – explains conflict and suggests improvements to create combined utilization of range areas.

Kootenay Provincial Ag Zone Wildlife Program – explanation of elk management plan in their area.

Wildlife Damage on Agricultural Land in the East Kootenay – paper showing need for there to be a compensation program to farmers and ranchers.


Geography of Conflict Between Elk and Agricultural Values in the Cypress Hills, Canada – looks at elk spatial patterns and makes recommendations about changing agricultural land use patterns to reduce elk damage.

Strategies to Address Agriculture/Wildlife Challenges in BC – research done in 2000 before BC had an agriculture wildlife damage compensation program.

USA Big Game Programs – appendix A to Strategies to Address Agriculture/Wildlife Challenges in BC.

US Wildlife Welfare – various mitigation strategies that are not relatively harmless to wildlife.

Links Related To Ungulate Mitigation:

Wildlife Damage Compensation Program

Deer Exclusion Devices and Deterrent Techniques

Internet Center for Wildlife Damage Management

Pasture and Forages for Elk & White-Tailed Deer- Government of Saskatchewan

USDA Wildlife Damage Management

Using Guard Dogs to Protect Stored Feed From Elk BC Government Resources

BC Government Resources: Human-Wildlife Conflict

Project Contacts:

Sandra Burton
250 789 6885

Talon Gauthier
250 219 3944

Julie Robinson
250 262 7576

Funding & Industry Partners:

  • Agriculture Wildlife Fund through Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC & ARDCORP
  • In Kind Contributions from Sandra Burton & Julie Robinson