R&D Project:

Wildlife Mitigation Project


Status: Completed

Project Timeline: January 2012 – December 2012


  1. To gather wildlife mitigation information from producers in the Peace Region and from Agriculture Wildlife Program staff experiences.
  2. To gather wildlife mitigation information from other parts of BC and Alberta.
  3. To compile the costs of mitigation strategies for producers to see the most cost-worthy strategies.
  4. Demonstrations of successful mitigation strategies that can be applies to the Peace Region.
  5. Compiling factsheets, newsletters, field days and presentations. Creating a central webpage where all information can be accessed.


  • 19 Interviews completed by Talon Johnson
  • Trip to Bulkley River Cattlemen’s Field Day to share mitigation strategies (July 5 – 10, 2012)
  • Demo of mitigation strategies tried in the Peace and info sharing on July 25, 2012
  • Central AB/Southern BC trip to gather and share mitigation strategies (Aug. 20-24, 2012)
  • Wildlife mitigation Info sharing day on December 1, 2012 (PRFA of BC AGM)
  • Central location on PRFA of BC website where all information can be accessed by producers

Key People contacted:

  • PRRD Wildlife Chair – Karen Goodings
  • Ernie Nimitz, Forage
  • Dave Wuthrich, BCGPA
  • Mike Malmberg, BC AG
  • Brian Baehr, Investment Ag Foundation
  • BC Cattlemen (all local cattlemen associations)

Project Information Sharing:

Below are links to pages that are filled with literature reviews, newsletters, factsheets and more related to wildlife mitigation. This is meant to act as a starting point for producers who are looking for information. In each case click on the highlighted green subtitle to get to the link.

Fencing Information: Information pertaining to both ungulate and predator fencing.

Ungulate Mitigation Strategies: contains information on hunting options and conflicts between wildlife and agriculture.

Predator Mitigation Strategies: information surrounding problem wildlife and control options.

General Wildlife Mitigation Strategies: these are a few publications that have information regarding both ungulate and predator mitigation.

Project Contacts

  • Julie Robinson
  • Talon Gauthier
  • Sandra Burton

For more information on older projects, please contact our coordinator.

Funding & Industry Partners