Wildlife Mitigation Project
Status: Completed
Project Timeline: January 2012 – December 2012
- To gather wildlife mitigation information from producers in the Peace Region and from Agriculture Wildlife Program staff experiences.
- To gather wildlife mitigation information from other parts of BC and Alberta.
- To compile the costs of mitigation strategies for producers to see the most cost-worthy strategies.
- Demonstrations of successful mitigation strategies that can be applies to the Peace Region.
- Compiling factsheets, newsletters, field days and presentations. Creating a central webpage where all information can be accessed.
- 19 Interviews completed by Talon Johnson
- Trip to Bulkley River Cattlemen’s Field Day to share mitigation strategies (July 5 – 10, 2012)
- Demo of mitigation strategies tried in the Peace and info sharing on July 25, 2012
- Central AB/Southern BC trip to gather and share mitigation strategies (Aug. 20-24, 2012)
- Wildlife mitigation Info sharing day on December 1, 2012 (PRFA of BC AGM)
- Central location on PRFA of BC website where all information can be accessed by producers
Key People contacted:
- PRRD Wildlife Chair – Karen Goodings
- Ernie Nimitz, Forage
- Dave Wuthrich, BCGPA
- Mike Malmberg, BC AG
- Brian Baehr, Investment Ag Foundation
- BC Cattlemen (all local cattlemen associations)
Project Information Sharing:
Below are links to pages that are filled with literature reviews, newsletters, factsheets and more related to wildlife mitigation. This is meant to act as a starting point for producers who are looking for information. In each case click on the highlighted green subtitle to get to the link.
Fencing Information: Information pertaining to both ungulate and predator fencing.
Ungulate Mitigation Strategies: contains information on hunting options and conflicts between wildlife and agriculture.
Predator Mitigation Strategies: information surrounding problem wildlife and control options.
General Wildlife Mitigation Strategies: these are a few publications that have information regarding both ungulate and predator mitigation.
Project Contacts
- Julie Robinson
- Talon Gauthier
- Sandra Burton
For more information on older projects, please contact our coordinator.
Funding & Industry Partners
- Agriculture Wildlife Fund through Investment Agriculture Foundation of BC & ARDCORP
- In Kind Contributions from Sandra Burton & Julie Robinson