R&D Project:

Soil and Nutrient Management – GHGMP


Status: Completed

Project Timeline: July 2004 – December 2005


  1. To work with the Canadian & BC Taking Charge Teams of Soul Conservation Council of Canada to organize Green House Gas Mitigation Project (GHGMP) and associated demos.
  2. To provide coordination of demos about beneficial management practices (BMPs) that improve productivity & reduce GHG emissions.
  3. To organize a package of awareness activities related to climate change BMPs, including field days, tours, seminars, workshops & publications.


  • Established 13 demos of BMPs in the Peace Region, including direct seeding forages and nutrient management with anhydrous ammonia applicator, manure & fertilizer in summer of 2004
  • Hosted 3 field tours in 2004
  • Collected yield quality & grazing info form comparisons
  • Establish 10 more demos of BMPs in 2005
  • Hosted more field days, tours and seminars to discuss BMPS and raise awareness

Project Cooperators

  • Peter Van Genne
    Pouce Coupe, BC
  • John Kendrew
    Pouce Coupe, BC
  • Glenn Hogberg
    Progress, BC
  • Chuck Sutherland
    Groundbirch, BC
  • Dick Miller
    Farmington, BC
  • Darrell Veiner
    Rolla, BC
  • Garnet Berge
    Rolla, BC
  • Paul Cowger
    Montney, BC
  • Brian Clarke
    Baldonnel, BC
  • Gordon Lazinchuk
    Bessborough, BC

Project Contacts

  • Sandra Burton
  • Julie Robinson
  • Bill Wilson

For more information on older projects, please contact our coordinator.

Funding & Industry Partners