R&D Project:

Re-vegetation of Disturbed Land by Oil & Gas Activity


Status: Completed

Project Timeline: April 2012 – March 2015


  1. Determine forage mixes that will be successful in re-vegetating oil site berms, roadsides and pipelines.
  2. To share results with producers, oil and gas industry and government via field days, website and forage facts.
  3. To communicate out results and work with seed companies, forage seed industry, government, oil and gas industry and forage producers in the adoption of these mixes where appropriate.


  • Timing of seeding: spring verses fall seeding for agronomic and native mixes for pipelines, roadways and well site berms (5 Encana sites & 4 Shell sites).
  • Rate of seeding: a variety of seeding rates to compensate for less than ideal conditions for germination.
  • Seed mixes: tested appropriate mixes with low vegetation and erosion control properties.
  • Promoted the Peace Forage Seeding Tool to enable farmers/ranchers, agricultural professionals, reclamation/environmental consultants, foresters and range agrologists to select forage species for their specific situations an management needs.
  • Fertility: tested soils and conducted fertilizer plots.
  • Hosted over 10 tours of sites and a total of over 250 people.
  • Provided 4 case studies of demo and research plots to be showcased during Interactive Soils & Forages Courses and provided 3 case studies. at Society of Range Management & PRFA of BC Annual Summer Tour (June 2013).
  • Presentation at Peace Region Forage Seed Association Seminar March 2013.
  • Presentation at Shell Canada meeting at Macleod Hall Sept 2015.
  • Numerous articles in the Forage First newsletter.