R&D Project:
Re-vegetation of Disturbed Land by Oil & Gas Activity
Status: Completed
Project Timeline: April 2012 – March 2015
- Determine forage mixes that will be successful in re-vegetating oil site berms, roadsides and pipelines.
- To share results with producers, oil and gas industry and government via field days, website and forage facts.
- To communicate out results and work with seed companies, forage seed industry, government, oil and gas industry and forage producers in the adoption of these mixes where appropriate.
- Timing of seeding: spring verses fall seeding for agronomic and native mixes for pipelines, roadways and well site berms (5 Encana sites & 4 Shell sites).
- Rate of seeding: a variety of seeding rates to compensate for less than ideal conditions for germination.
- Seed mixes: tested appropriate mixes with low vegetation and erosion control properties.
- Promoted the Peace Forage Seeding Tool to enable farmers/ranchers, agricultural professionals, reclamation/environmental consultants, foresters and range agrologists to select forage species for their specific situations an management needs.
- Fertility: tested soils and conducted fertilizer plots.
- Hosted over 10 tours of sites and a total of over 250 people.
- Provided 4 case studies of demo and research plots to be showcased during Interactive Soils & Forages Courses and provided 3 case studies. at Society of Range Management & PRFA of BC Annual Summer Tour (June 2013).
- Presentation at Peace Region Forage Seed Association Seminar March 2013.
- Presentation at Shell Canada meeting at Macleod Hall Sept 2015.
- Numerous articles in the Forage First newsletter.
Project Cooperators
- Encana, Plot 1
Berry Road, Pouce Coupe, BC - Shell Canada
Sanataa Road, Sunset Prairie, BC - Encana/ Charlie Walker
Bessborough, BC - Plot 2
Sunset Prairie, BC
Project Contacts
- Bill Wilson
- Julie Robinson
For more information on older projects, please contact our coordinator.
Factsheets & Documents
- #70 Meadow and Smooth Bromegrasses
- #71 Timothy and Hybrid Bromegrass
- #72 Alfalfa and Creamy Peavine
- #73 Slender and Crested Wheatgrasses
- #74 Creeping Red Fescue and Reed Canarygrass
- #75 Re-vegetation of Oil & Gas Disturbance
- #77 Emerging Re-vegetation Superstars
- #78 How Important is Timing of Seeding
- #79 Why Do We Care About Seed Quality?
- #80 Re-vegetating Berms & Cover Crops
- #81 Re-vegetating Berms & Fertilizer
- #82 Re-vegetating Berms & Additional Lessons
- #91 Understanding Legal Land Locations
- #92 Spring Verses Fall Seeding
- #93 2012 Reveg AllStars: Keepers or Traders in 2014
- #94 Revegetation Project: More Lessons Learned