Field Monitoring
#113 Are You Happy With Your Forage Stand?
#113 Are You Happy With Your Forage Stand?
A quick field method for comparing plant counts & densities
#112 Estimating Forage Yields Yourself
#112 Estimating Forage Yields Yourself
Using the hula hoop method to estimate forage yield is quick & easy
#111 How Photogenic is Your Forage?
#111 How Photogenic is Your Forage?
A photo reference point procedure is described to monitor fields
#110 Locating Field Benchmarks for Monitoring
#110 Locating Field Benchmarks for Monitoring
Well placed benchmarks provide insights & year to year comparisons
#109 Brix values & forage: practical uses & limitations
#109 Brix values & forage: practical uses & limitations
A handy Brix field test provides comparative values but has limits